Monday, August 4, 2014

Comments on Life - Aug. 2014

We are selling our estate here in gilman, WV.  We have a buyer and a contract but it has contingencies.  So, we are anxious about the sale.  We won't know if it is going through until some time after September.

We have tons of things to do in preparation for the sale.  We have to dispose of junk that has piled up over the years.  We have to get rid of furniture.  We have to fix things up like the road ditch and the septic tank.  And on an on.....

The temptation is to plan on how to spend the money from the sale before we complete the sale.  We've already bought several new houses in Florida and in West Virginia.  We've talked about new cars which actually makes a lot of sense since the cars we have now are getting pretty old.  We are remodeling our Aliner.  We talk of buying a boat or two (a sailboat and/or a motor boat) or joining a boating club.   Jeez, we haven't got the money yet but it is already spent.

Today we will plan a few tasks.   I need to cut some grass, crush empty boxes for the garbage and get rid of a bunch of music tapes/cds.  Then I need to practice finger picking the banjo and review some tunes on the fiddle.  Tonight is Fiddle Support Group night on Halliehurst porch at 7PM.  Big music night.

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